Transporeon Time Slot Management Platform

  1. Transporeon Group Americas
  2. Transporeon Gmbh

Transporeon will present Mobile Order Management to industry professionals for the first time at Multimodal 2014 in Birmingham 29th April - 1st May 2014. This state-of-the-art Android app for carriers neatly closes communication gaps over the last mile – across fleets and even across many different transport service providers.

'The Transporeon platform offers shippers and carriers a comprehensive, well thought-out system that significantly reduces their everyday workload. Time slot management, Transport Assignment, Transport Visibility – everything is web-based and transparent, without media discontinuities,' explained David Williamson, UK key account manager at Transporeon. 'Up to now, however, this system only reached as far as the carrier's scheduler. With the new Mobile Order Management app we've gone one step further – right to the end of the delivery chain. This user-friendly Android app allows us to include drivers as well. This is the first such integrated, cross-fleet system of its type on the market.'

Innovative solution for communication over the last mile

When a shipper activates Mobile Order Management (MOM) in the Transporeon solution, everything is very easy for carriers: they create their vehicles on the Transporeon platform, and their drivers receive a text message with a download link and can download the MOM app onto any Android smartphone. The app is self-explanatory and solves many problems that otherwise occur over the last mile. The carrier can assign the driver freight orders via MOM, query the vehicle's current location and display it on an interactive map.

The driver can use the phone's camera to document how the load is secured, the unloading location or any damage to the goods. The recipient's signature on the smartphone serves as a kind of electronic delivery note. This is all assigned to the freight order on the platform and stored in an audit-proof archive system. Carriers and shippers thus benefit from an end-to-end electronic system that eliminates the need for most conventional paper documentation.

Know where the vehicle is at all times

  1. Transporeon serves a global blue-chip and European enterprise customer base and Europe’s leading carrier network. Over 100,000 users across 100 countries use the Group’s software-as-a-service solutions and platform, which is available in 24 languages, for freight sourcing, carrier assignment, time slot management, visibility and market intelligence.
  2. Infographic History of Transporeon 1. HOW TRANSPOREON BECAME A GLOBAL CLOUD PLATFORM FOR INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT LOGISTICS Connecting shippers & carriers for smart, transparent, cost-effective movement of goods – Enabling real communication & collaboration across the global shipper-carrier community Customers start using the Transporeon platform & software- as-a-service (SaaS) transport.

Mobile Order Management significantly improves communication between shippers, carriers and consignees in practice. The most common question that occurs during deliveries – where is the vehicle at the moment? – can be answered with a click by all involved, including the shipper's dispatcher. The GPS positioning system can also be used for the purpose of geofencing, in which an area with a certain radius can be defined around the delivery location, for example. When the vehicle crosses this 'fence', a notification is sent automatically. This tells the shipper, carrier's scheduler and customer that the vehicle will soon be arriving. E-mail notifications can be sent when trips are not running smoothly.

A picture says more than a thousand words

Transporeon transportation management platforms. Take control of your challenges in transport logistics. Transporeon does one thing, and we do it better than anyone else. We live, breathe and dream transport logistics. Our cloud-based transportation sourcing and management platforms enable the most experienced network of shippers, suppliers, retailers, goods recipients and carriers in the world.

In addition to the geotracking function, the pilot customers particularly appreciated the photographic documentation feature. Kurt Münk, head of freight management at Knauf Gips KG, explained: 'We deliver our products to construction sites on a just-in-time basis. But sometimes there is nobody there to receive the goods at the agreed time. By taking a photograph, we are able to document where and in what condition we have left the goods. In any disagreements with the consignee, a picture often says more than a thousand words.'

Williamson summarised the benefits of MOM: 'Mobile Order Management allows shippers and carriers to improve their customer service, above all through real-time tracking. All processes are electronic, right through to the delivery note, which reduces paperwork, the workload generally – and thus costs as well. In addition, photographic documentation offers greater assurance to all involved.'

The Transporeon Group at a glance

The Transporeon Group links manufacturers, hauliers and retailers, with companies that provide logistics services. Based in Ulm and Kempten, the group runs the e-logistics Transporeon-platform, the e-tendering Ticontract-platform and the Mercareon-platform, for retailers and wholesalers. The Group's platforms currently link over 850 shippers, 40,000 carriers and 100,000 users in more than 80 countries. These efficient, user-friendly Web-based solutions facilitate tendering, transport assignment, time slot booking, and tracking and tracing. Established in the year 2000, today the Transporeon Group is a European market leader in the e-logistics segment and is increasing its market share in Asia and the USA. In 2013, with around 330 employees, the group generated revenues of 34 million euros.



Sixfold and ControlPay have been part of the Transporeon family since September. With Real Time Visibility as well as billing automation and payment analysis, the tow companies supplement the Transporeon portfolio by very efficient services. As we are part of the Transporeon family, our customers will benefit from the expanded portfolio of our parent company in the future.


Sixfold – Data Transparency through Real Time Visibility

After three years of successful cooperation, Transporeon and Sixfold are deepening their collaboration with a merger. The integration of Sixfold’s state-of-the-art RTV technology into Transporeon’s cloud-based platform for transport logistics and thus into Europe’s largest network of shippers and freight forwarders brings important scaling effects.

Transporeon Group Americas

Transporeon Time Slot Management Platform

Sixfold tracks over 500 million euros worth of goods daily in real time and supports its customers in more than 40 countries and 25 European languages. The platform is secure and DSGVO compliant. The scaling of RTV technology across a large network of shippers and carriers enables increased efficiency and reduced costs across the transport industry – ultimately leading to lower CO2 emissions. One in three trucks today still drives empty. Not only does this result in higher transport costs for shippers and carriers, it also causes damage to the environment and increases the overall carbon footprint of the entire industry.

For Transporeon’s customers, the integration of RTV technology and its smooth application represents a significant development in logistics management. Until August 31, 2021 Transporeon will cover all necessary costs for its customers – after that date Transporeon commits to continue to invest and offer competitive prices for RTV technology.

Stephan Sieber, CEO of Transporeon, comments on the merger as follows: “We need to remove upfront barriers. We’re serious about creating data transparency for all and combining visibility with execution will enable our customers to continuously improve their operations and open a whole new set of innovation potentials to all of us! “


ControlPay – Optimized Freight Invoicing Process

ControlPay, Europe’s leading provider of freight verification and payment processing, has also been part of the family since September. The service offering with its true “end-to-end” solutions is a logical complement to Transporeon’s existing portfolio of market intelligence, freight purchasing, freight benchmarking and tendering, transport allocation and processing, time slot booking, shipment tracking and end-to-end supply chain visibility.

Founded in 2002, ControlPay is today active for its customers from various industries worldwide. These include in particular the automotive, heavy, consumer goods and pharmaceutical industries as well as the health care sector. ControlPay optimizes the freight billing process for both shippers and carriers. Through its platform, ControlPay collects critical data across all modes of transport. This gives users a comprehensive and well-founded insight into their logistics processes.

Transporeon’s service offering is aligned along the value chain. With ControlPay, our colleagues from Ulm can now also cover the last processing steps around automated invoicing and the analysis of payment-related data.

Transporeon Gmbh

Stephan Sieber, CEO of Transporeon, comments the merger as follows: “ControlPay further extends our customer offering to mission-critical areas such as billing automation and payment analysis. It is an ideal complement to our service portfolio in tendering and sourcing, transport execution with real-time visibility, market intelligence and settlement. For ControlPay’s customers, as well as its highly qualified workforce, we are committed to continued delivery of ControlPays’s world-class service!”

Your contact:

Peter Schouba
Head of Marketing
Tel.: +49 621 150 448 70