Occasional Itching

Itchiness of the skin may at times occur without a rash. It can happen to any person of any age but when it occurs in the elderly and tends to be persistent, it is then known as senile pruritus. Itching can be intense enough to cause significant discomfort to a person, affect sleep and impact on the psychological state of the sufferer. In the elderly there is the added risk that constant scratching can damage the skin and lead to secondary skin infections. Understanding the nature of senile pruritus and other causes of skin itching is important in managing it adequately and improving the quality of life for the elderly sufferer.

  1. Occasional Body Itching
  2. What Causes Occasional Itching
  3. Occasional Anal Itching

Causes of Itchy Skin in the Elderly

Itchy skin treatment focuses on removing the cause of the itch. If home remedies don't ease the itchy skin, your doctor may recommend prescription medications or other treatments. Controlling itchy skin symptoms can be challenging and may require long-term therapy. Options include: Corticosteroid creams and ointments. But rest assured, the occasional itch is pretty common. 'Think about the vaginal area. It's warm, dark, and moist pretty much all the time,' says Lori Harrison, a Women's Health Care Nurse. The cause of itching in private part includes skin reaction to soap, fabrics of cloth and material that is applied over the skin. The infection is rare but often causes continuous severe itching that often results in skin abrasion and scratching wound.

  • Shutterstock While an occasional itch on the palm, right or left, can be tied to whichever superstition you believe, a persistent itch could also be the sign of a medical condition. According to Healthline, incessant itchy palms could be a sign of a chronic skin condition like eczema or psoriasis or an allergy to something you've touched.
  • An itch may affect the neck for many reasons, ranging from mild to serious. Causes of an itchy neck include: Poor hygiene. Washing the neck and hair too little or too often may contribute to.

There is no known cause for senile pruritus. In fact a diagnosis of senile pruritus should only be made once other possible causes of itchy skin without a rash has been excluded. Age-related changes in the skin especially drying of the skin is one of the leading causes but even with good skin care and the use of emollients (barrier creams), itching tends to persist in senile pruritus. The other factor is the general health status of a person and daily nutrition, both of which are affected to some degree with advancing age.

Skin Care

Skin health involves personal hygiene and good skin care. With regards to hygiene, it is sometimes a consequence of infrequent bathing but can equally be caused by overzealous washing. Bathing too frequently, scrubbing the skin with coarse bathing accessories and using strongly scented and antiseptic soaps all contributes to an itchy skin. Not using a sunscreen when outdoors and inadequate or infrequent moisturizing particularly in harsh environmental conditions – hot and strong sunlight, cold and dry climates.


Another significant cause of skin itching without a rash is as a side effect of using certain medication. This is known as an iatrogenic cause. The elderly are more likely to have certain chronic diseases and are therefore more likely to be using chronic medication and combinations of drugs simultaneously. Itchy skin is one of the more common side effects of most drugs.


Sometimes the drug interaction of two or more drugs causes symptoms such as itchy skin which are not well documented for each drug on its own. It is difficult to isolate specific drugs that may cause itchy skin due to the prevalence of this side effect or possibility of drug interaction. It is known that pain relievers, aspirin, antibiotics and antifungal drugs are more likely to cause itchy skin. There is some evidence that even certain nutritional supplements are likely causes.



Occasional vaginal itchingOccasional itching skin

Various skin diseases can affect the elderly or may be chronic and have started earlier in life. These skin diseases may go through phases where there is no skin rash present. However, itching of the skin can be continuous and even severe. Eventually a skin rash erupts and may then resolve again with or without treatment. It is therefore important for the elderly to inform their doctor of their previous history of skin diseases especially conditions such as atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, and known drug allergies that caused skin symptoms on previous occasions.

Systemic causes refers to diseases that affect one or more organs in the body or even the entire body and is not specific to the skin. Some systemic causes that can cause intense itching of the skin even without a skin rash includes :

  • Kidney failure
  • Liver disease
  • Iron deficiency anemia
  • Certain types of cancer, although it is not skin cancer
  • Stroke

Psychological and Social

Psychogenic itching is the term for psychological causes of an itchy skin. Sometimes it is just imagined while at other times it is linked to mental health disorders such as depression and dementia. The elderly especially those who tend to live alone or have disabilities are also less likely to be able to bathe themselves, clean bed linen or clothing frequently or may have very close contact with pets all of which can contribute to skin itching.

Occasional Itching

Last Updated: February 16th, 2012 by

Apoquel Stories

Occasional Body Itching

See how APOQUEL helped these dogs itching for relief.

What Causes Occasional Itching

  • Bijou's back!

    “This stuff [APOQUEL] is amazing! She slept through the night and I slept through the night. She was not chewing and scratching as much, and her energy level was coming back.”

    –Bijou’s owner

  • -->

    Captain's in charge now!

    “Within a week of starting [APOQUEL], he had his cone off and he looked like a normal dog, which was amazing when for the last 2 years we’d watch him steadily decrease in health every day.”

    –Captain’s owner

  • Gunner's on top again!

    “When I saw the relief in Gunner [from APOQUEL], I felt the relief myself…I was hoping for good and got amazing.”

    –Gunner’s owner

  • Molly's on the move!

    “Within the first couple of days [after starting APOQUEL], she was a completely different dog. She had done a complete 180 degrees with her personality and her energy level.”

    –Molly’s owner

  • No itching for Nani!

    “I gave her the first dose [of APOQUEL] at night. She did not scratch or itch at all that night. Nani now can sleep at night, go outside, and play. She has a better quality of life.”

    –Nani’s owner

Occasional Anal Itching

  • “I’m really impressed. Nothing has given this dog relief, ever. Go APOQUEL!”

    –Dr. Jill Abraham, New York, NY*

    “One pet owner said that [her] dog is a different dog. Dog itch [pruritus] is down 90% and [she said] her dog is so much more comfortable…”

    –Dr. Dale Brown, Fayetteville, NC*

    *According to a 2013 survey involving 119 veterinarians and 356 dog owners regarding the APOQUEL Early Experience Program.15