Craps Odds Bet Multiples

  1. Craps true odds. Players use this term to define the calculated odds that participants in a game of craps will win or lose depending on the bet they place. The amount of cash you bet does not affect the odds. However, the amount of the bet has an influence on the craps payouts. This is the wager that players make during a game of craps on.
  2. Once the point is established, a player may make bets in multiples of your original line bet such as 1x, 2x, or 3x. Note that in big casinos like Atlantic City and Vegas, players have the opportunities to wager 10x, 50x and even 100 times the original bet on the odds bet. The free odds bet pays out true odds.
  3. Put bets are simply the pass+odds or come+odds combination bet where the player foregoes the come out roll. The bet is paid exactly like how a pass+odds or come+odds would be paid. The casino has the advantage on the flat bet portion of the put bet, but on the odds portion of the put bet, there is no house edge.
Basic Bets. Whenever you hear a group of players cheering in the casino, you can almost bet they are standing around a hot craps table. Craps is the fastest-paced game in the casino. It´s also one of the most fun, but it can be intimidating to the new player. There are literally dozens of different bets you can make, and the language of the game may lead you to believe you´ve stepped into an alien world. But look around the table. See any rocket scientists? Okay, there may be one or two at the table, but most of the players are average men and women who have discovered just how easy Craps is.

The Pass Line Let´s start with the game in its simplest form. The shooter gets the dice and places a wager – let´s say $10 – directly in front of him on the Pass Line. The Pass Line bet is the most common wager in Craps, and the one most players learn first. On the first roll of a game, called the Come Out Roll,the Pass Line bettor wins if the shooter tosses a seven or an eleven. These numbers are called “Naturals.” If the shooter throws a Craps number, the two, three, or twelve, the Pass Line bet is a loser. Any other number thrown becomes the “Point” and is marked with the “puck,” a large white “button” with the word “ON” facing up. Once the Point is marked up, the game continues until the shooter either repeats the point number or throws a seven. If he repeats the point, the Pass Line wager wins. If he “Sevens-Out” the Pass Line wager loses and another game begins. Pretty simple, right?

Free Odds Bet Once a point is established, the player can “Take Free Odds” behind the Pass Line bet. This is an additional wager that pays “True Odds” if the shooter repeats his point. If the player chooses, the Free Odds bet can be removed at any time before the seven rolls. However, the Pass Line bet is a “Contract” bet and must remain up until the point is decided.Winning Free Odds wagers are paid as follows:

Odds bets are expressed as a multiple of the original wager that they’re placed behind. Taking 2x odds on a $5 pass line bet would make your overall wager worth $15 (5 + 10). The advantage of larger free odds is that you lower the house edge on your combined bet. Odds don’t carry a house advantage, but the initial bets do.

True Odds

Generally speaking, Free Odds bets can be made in multiples of your Pass Line bet, up to the maximum allowed Free Odds. Some casinos offer as much as 100 times Free Odds. Some casinos offer only single or double odds. The typical Las Vegas “Strip” game offers 3 – 4 – 5 times odds. That means they allow you to wager three times your Pass Line bet in Free Odds on the Four and Ten, four times your Pass Line bet in Free Odds on the Five or Nine, and five times your Pass Line bet in Free Odds on the Six and Eight. Note that since the Five and Nine are paid at 3 – 2, the Free Odds bet on those numbers must be for an even amount of money in order to get a correct payoff.

Let´s take a look at an example of a winning bet in a $10 minimum 3-4-5 times odds game. If the point is Six you can take 5 times odds. With a $10 Pass Line bet that translates to $50. If the six repeated before the seven rolled the dealer would pay you $10 for your Pass Line bet, and an additional $60 for your Free Odds bet. But suppose you have a limited bankroll and cannot afford to take the full 5 times odds. No problem. Starting as low as single odds and progressing in increments of $5, you can take $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, or $45 in Free Odds. As long as the amount you wager is greater than your Pass Line bet but less than the table maximum 5 times odds, the house will book the bet.

Don´t Pass Line

Another betting option is the Don´t Pass Line. The Don´t Pass wager is just the opposite of the Pass Line. In this instance, you are betting against the dice. The player betting the Don´t Pass Line is betting the shooter will not be able to make the point established. The Don´t Pass Line bet is an instant winner on the come-out roll if the player shoots a 2 or 3. It is a push or a “tie” if the player throws a 12. If the 7 or 11 are thrown, the bet loses. The casino´s only advantage on the Don´t Pass is on the Come Out roll. Once a point is established, the Don´t Pass wager has an edge on every number on the layout.

If any number other than seven, eleven, or craps is thrown it becomes the Point.Once the Point is established, the Don´t Pass bet wins if the shooterthrows a 7 before making his point. However, if the shooter repeats his point,the Don´t Pass bet loses.

Unlike the Pass Line wager, the Don´t Pass is not a Contract Bet. The player can take the bet down any time he or she wishes. The casino allows you to do this because it is to their advantage to do so. Once a Don´t Pass bet is established, the player has the advantage over the house. If you do remove a Don´t Pass bet, you are not allowed to replace it during that game. Likewise, you cannot add any chips to your existing Don´t Pass wager. However, you may “Lay the Odds” against the point to increase the overall wager.

Laying the Odds

Laying Odds is exactly the opposite of Taking Odds on the Pass Line. When layingodds, the player bets more to win less. Here are the odds:

Laying Odds
Lay 2 to win 1
Lay 3 to win 2
Lay 6 to win 5

Point Lay Odds

Four or Ten Lay 2 to Win 1

Five or Nine Lay 3 to Win 2

Six or Eight Lay 6 to Win 5

Come Bets

A Come Bet is actually part of a game within the game. It follows the same rules as the Pass Line except you can only place it after the point is established. Place the bet in the Come area directly in front of you on the layout, then wait for the next roll. The outcome of the bet depends what number is tossed next. Like the Pass Line wager, the Come bet is an instant winner on 7 or 11 and a loser on a 2, 3 or 12. If the next number rolled is a “Box Number,” the 4-5-6-8-9 or 10, the Come Bet moves into the appropriate box on the layout. It then become the player´s Come point and remains there until the number repeats or the shooter rolls a seven.

As with the Pass Line wager, players may “Take the Odds” to increase their bet. If the shooter makes his Pass line point, the Come bets stay up and carry over into the next game. The Come Bet “works” on the next Come Out roll, and loses if the shooter tosses a seven. However, the wager wins if the shooter tosses that number. The odds on Come Bets do not work when there is no point established, however, the player may request to have his “Odds Working” on the Come Out.

Don´t Come Bets

A don´t Come Bet follows the same rules as the Don´t Pass Line except that it can only be bet after a point has been established. This bet is the opposite of the Come Bet, and odds are always working unless the player takes them down. As with the Don´t Pass wager, players may “Lay Odds” to increase their bet.

Place Bets

A Place Bet can be made at any time. It differs from a Come Bet in that a player has control over which number is wagered, and whether or not he wants the bet to remain up and working. There is a “cost” associated with having the right to choose your numbers. That cost is in the form of a reduced payout when the wager wins. Here are the correct Place Bet odds:

4 or 10
6 or 8
9 to 5
7 to 6

Field Bets

Field Bets are one-roll bets. The player simply places his wager anywhere on the portion of the layout marked Field. The wagers will win when 2-3-4-9-10-11 or 12 roll and lose on 5-6-7 or 8. All Field Bets win even money except when a two or twelve roll. Those numbers pay double – and on some layouts, one or the other may pay triple the original bet.

Big 6 and 8

The Big 6 and 8 are self-service even-money bets that can be placed or taken down at any time. The bets only win when the six or eight roll. The bet loses when the seven rolls.


A Hardway Bet is a wager betting that the dice will roll in pairs before that number or a seven rolls. They are the Hard 4, 6, 8 and 10 respectively. For example, when a player wages on a Hard 6, he is wagering that the next time a six rolls, the dice will read a three-three (3-3) combination. Any other combination of a six or seven rolling causes the Hardway to lose. Hardways do not work unless the player calls them off during the Come Out Roll.

4 or 10
6 or 8
8 for 1
10 for 1

Proposition Bets and Hop Bets

Proposition Bets and Hop Bets are all one-roll bets located in the center of the layout. The Stickman places these bets on the appropriate betting area, and they win only if that specific combination of the number rolls on the next toss of the dice. These high paying bets are an exciting part of the game, with some of these bets paying as high as 31 for 1.

Place Bet Odds If Betting On Odds Wager Win

lace Bet Odds If Betting On
11 or 3 (16 for 1)


Buy Bets are exactly the same as Place Bets except by paying a 5% commission on the Buy Bet, you receive the true odds. Buy Bets do not work on the Come Out roll unless called on by the player. A Buy button denotes this bet.


You may Lay a bet against 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10 at any time. When laying against a number, you are wagering that the seven will roll before that number. The casino charges a 5% commission based on what you could win. Lay Bets always work. Check the chart for the payoffs. A Lay button denotes this bet.


The Horn Bet is a wager on a combination of four numbers: 2, 3, 11 and 12 (horn). If any of these numbers are rolled, you win, if any other number is rolled, you lose. One-fourth (1/4) of the Horn Bet is bet on each of the individual numbers, (2, 3, 11 and 12). The Horn is a one-roll bet. If any of the Horn numbers roll, you win. If any other number rolls, you lose.


A Fire-Bet is a relatively new side-wager that can be made in casinos utilizing a Fire Bet layout. It allows the player to make an additional wager that is paid based on the number of different points made. Payouts can be substantial – especially on a “hot roll.”


Crapless Craps, which is also known as Never Ever Craps, is a version of a standard dice game without the possibility of losing on the come-out roll. It is played almost exactly the same except there are ten numbers called point numbers. They are 2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11 and 12. The only non-point number is the seven. Pass Line bets win on the Come Out if a seven is tossed. Any other number becomes the Point. The shooter must repeat his Point before rolling the seven in order to win the Pass Line bet. Note that the Crapless Craps layout does not have a Don´t Pass or Don´t Come line.

A lively craps game is the ultimate when it comes to fun and excitement. As you can see, there are many ways to bet and just as many ways to win! But playing the game is as simple as placing a bet on the Pass Line or placing the six and eight. Then the fun begins.

Copyright © by Axis Power Publishing, LLC. All Right Reserved.

Published on: 2005-07-03 (6735 reads)

Ah, the hops bet. It’s the stuff that dreams and big fish stories are made of.

A single hop on an easy number and suddenly that little $10 bet is $150. Parlay that $160 into another bet, hit that parlay, and what was originally $10 is now $2400.

Some nights, this dream becomes a reality.

That’s why players love the hop bets. It’s one of the few ways where a player can take $100 and leave with $5000.

Some nights, the hops are just…hopping.


The simple explanation

For those who are not aware, first, an explanation of the hop bets.

In craps, a hop bet is a one roll bet where the player bets on what they think will appear on the next roll.

Craps Odds Bet Multiples

Hop bets are always one roll bets.

The rest of this article will go into the technical and detailed explanation of the hop bet. If you want the simple explanation, just skip to the bottom to the TL;DR part.

The technical and unsettled explanation of a hop bet

The technical definition of a hop bet is more debated.

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There are some who would argue that, by definition, a hop bet must have either one combination (the hard hop) or two combinations (the easy hop).

For example, is the Big Red (Any 7) or the Any Craps bet considered a hop bet? There are those who would argue that those bets are not hop bets because there are six combinations to win the Big Red bet and four combinations to win the Any Craps bet, those are not hop bets.

Having said the above about the Big Red or Any Craps, if the player threw out $3 and said ‘hopping the sevens’, the dealer or stick would mark the ‘five two’, ‘thirty four’, and ‘sixty one’ combination (those are the most commonly used terms for each combination, as I have never heard the ‘sixty one’ referred to as the ‘sixteen’).


Typically, a hop bet will pay in the neighborhood of either 30 to 1 for hard hops and 15 to 1 for easy hops.

The Hard Hop

An example of one combination is any number where both dice must match exactly, such as ‘hopping hard 8’. If you are hopping hard 8, that means on the next roll, the dice must come up 4 + 4. This can be referred to as ‘hopping forty-four’ or ‘hopping hard 8’.

The payoff for a ‘hard hop’ is usually 30-1, although, this can vary from casino to casino.

Note that hopping a hard 8 is not the same as betting hard 8. When a player throws out a chip and says ‘hard 8’, the dealer will make the hard ways 8 bet, which pays 9-1. The hardways bet is a multi-roll bet and pays 9-1.

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Advice:to avoid confusion, when players want to hop, my advice is to always say the word, ‘hopping’ in front of the bet. It would be very disappointing if your intention was to hop a hard 8, but you ended up winning a hard 8 bet instead.

A real-life story…a few months ago, I was standing next to a newbie craps player and he asked me how to bet the 8 that paid 30-1, as he had seen another player win $300 on a $10 bet. I knew he meant that he wanted to hop the hard 8, so I told him, to throw out his $10 and say, ‘hopping hard 8’. He threw out the chip and said, ‘hard 8’. I immediately tried to correct him and told him to say, ‘hopping hard 8’. He was confused but I told him, ‘if you want 30-1, you have to say, hopping hard 8’.

He hopped the hard 8 and a roll later, won $300. The ‘hard 8’ would have paid $90 (with the caveat that it’s a multi-roll bet).

Oh…I have this on a Real Craps Game video that will appear in the future.

The Easy Hop

An example of two combinations is any number where both dice can be different, such as hopping easy 8. There are two ways to hop and easy 8: 2+6 and 6+2 and also 3+5 and 5+3.

If you’re still learning hop bets, I know what you’re thinking. I said there are two ways to hop, but I just listed four combinations. That’s because the 2+6 and 6+2 counts as one bet, and the 3+5 and 5+3 counts as another bet. In craps parlance, the player can just combine the two numbers and refer to them as ‘twenty-six’ or ‘sixty-two’. Since the casino does not require the player to specify which individual die will have which number, the terms ‘ twenty-six’ and ‘sixty-two’ refer to the exact same thing.

Similarly, ‘thirty-five’ and ‘fifty-three’ refer to the latter easy 8 combination.

Note that if the player wants to bet an easy hop, the player must specify which easy hop he or she wants to bet. For example, there are two versions of the easy 8: the ‘twenty-six’ combination and the ‘thirty-five’ combination. So if the player wants to bet an easy 8, the player must specify which easy 8 the player wants.

The payoff for an easy hop bet is usually 15-1, although, this, too, can vary from casino to casino.

What numbers can be hopped?

The craps player can hop bet any number: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Some craps tables have areas marked specifically for hop bets, while some tables do not.

How to hop a number

To hop a number, simply toss out your bet to either the dealer or the stick person and say what combination you want to hop.

My advice is that if you want to hop, say the word, ‘hopping’ or ‘hop’ along with your bet. Otherwise, the dealer or stick person may mark another bet.

You may hop more than one combination. For example, if you threw out $3 and said ‘hopping all the sixes’, the dealer will mark the ‘twenty-four’, ‘fifty one’, and ‘thirty-three’ combinations. If one of those combinations roll, the payout will be dependent upon whether the easy or hard 6 rolled. If the easy 6 rolled, then the payout will be 15-1; whereas if the hard 6 rolled, the payout will be 30-1.

Note that if you win the hop bet, the dealer will pay and automatically leave your hop bet up for the next roll. If you do not want to automatically leave the bet up, you may request that the hop bet be taken down; in which case the dealer will return the hop bet to you.

Also, if you make multiple hops bets – such as the aforementioned $3 hopping all the sixes – on the payout, almost every casino will deduct, from your payout, the amount that it would cost to leave up your multiple bets. For example, if you bet $3 ‘hopping all the sixes’, and the next roll was a winning 5 + 1 roll, you would be entitled to a $15 payout. However, the dealer will only send you $13 because $2 will be taken away to pay for the losing ‘forty-two’ and ‘thirty-three’ combination.

Craps Odds Bet Multiples Calculator

Similarly, if the winning roll is 3 + 3, you would be entitled to $30, but the dealer will send you $28, after deducting $2 to pay for the ‘forty-two’ and ‘fifty-one’ on the next roll.

If you do not want the dealer to deduct the amount and pay for the next roll, just tell the dealer to not deduct the amount. An easy way to say it would be to say, ‘bring my hops down’ (said just like that).

This is an important nuance for bankroll management reasons.


A hop bet is a one roll bet that typically pays 15-1 or 30-1, depending on what the player is betting. Easy hops typically pay 15-1 are hops that have two winning combinations; while hard hops typically pay 30-1 and have one winning combination.

I say ‘typically’ because some casinos will pay 16-1 and 31-1. Note that 16 for 1 and 31 for 1 are the same as 15-1 and 30-1.

To make a hop bet, gently throw your chip to the stick person or dealer and say ‘hopping’ along with what you think will appear. If you make the bet early enough and before the dice are sent out, the dealer or stick will help the player by clarifying which hop the player wants.

That’s the hop bet in a nutshell.

If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them below.

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Posted in: Casino, Craps, Gambling