Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker

  1. Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Table
  2. Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Game
  3. Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Glasses

Whiteout was a female NightWing-IceWing hybrid dragonet who was introduced in Darkstalker. She attended the NightWing school and lived in the lost city of night until Darkstalker was imprisoned and she fled the city alongside Listener. She was in a relationship with Thoughtful, and had weak mind reading and prophetic abilities. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 The Jade Mountain. 58.2k Followers, 820 Following, 261 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON 🐲 (@ambsluke09).

A 24-year-old NSW woman who spent over $37,000 in body modifications went blind for three weeks after tattooing her eyeballs blue....

A 24-year-old NSW woman who spent over $37,000 in body modifications went blind for three weeks after tattooing her eyeballs blue.

A woman who has spent over $37,000 modifying her body reveals she went blind for three weeks after getting her eyeballs tattooed with blue ink.

Amber Luke, 24, from NSW underwent an excruciating and dangerous 40-minute procedure to transform her eyes.

Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker

Amber Luke, 24, reveals she went blind for three weeks after getting a painful eyeball tattoo. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

It was the latest in a string of body modifications the body piercer has done, included getting 200 tattoos on her body, having her tongue split and her earlobes stretched.

Blue-haired Amber has also had a boob job, cheek and lip fillers and pointed implants placed in her ears.

Amber, who calls herself the Blue Eyed White Dragon and first developed her bizarre fascination with extreme modifications at 16, said the eyeball job was the most dangerous procedure she has done to date.

Speaking to Barcroft Media, she said: “I can’t even begin to describe to you what the feeling was like, the best thing I can give you is once the eyeball was penetrated with the ink, it felt like [the tattoo artist] grabbed 10 shards of glass and rubbed it in my eye.

Amber has had 200 tattoos on her body, had her tongue split and her earlobes stretched. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

She first developed her bizarre fascination with extreme modifications at 16. Picture: Instagram.Source:Instagram

She has also dyed her hair blue to match her new eyeballs. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

“That happened four times per eye, that was pretty brutal. Unfortunately, my artist went too deep into my eyeball.

“If your eyeball procedure’s done correctly, you’re not supposed to go blind at all.

Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Table

“I was blind for three weeks. That was pretty brutal.”

Amber said she hopes to fully cover her body with tattoos by March 2020 – but she won’t get any more extreme modifications done.


She said: “I don’t plan on getting any more body modifications that are extreme in that manner. So no more tongue splitting, no more eyeball tattooing.”

Amber’s mum Vikki said she broke down in tears when her daughter got the blue ink tattooed on her eyeballs.

Amber calls herself the Blue Eyed White Dragon thanks to her eyeball procedure. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

She hopes to have her whole body covered with tattoos by March 2020. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

Vikki added: “’Where do I start? I cried. I said a few choice words as anyone would. ‘Why would you do that to yourself, knowing that there is a danger to it?’

“As we know as the parents, some kids will just do what they want to do, regardless of what we say.

“But I brought her into the world with the best skills that I could give, the best that I could give her it’s just for me to be there and go along the journey with her. And prop her up, and love her.

“She never saw herself as being beautiful. She didn’t see herself through my eyes.

“But I’ve supported her because I could actually see the transition, the growth and how it’s made her come to who she is today.

Blue eyes white dragon poker game

Amber said the eyeball job was the most dangerous procedure she has done to date. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

“I think over time, I’ve learned to actually understand that it doesn’t change you. It’s the society’s perception on it.”

The self-professed “blue-eyed dragon” went all the way to America to add to her frightening look by getting a set of specially created fangs made to go inside her mouth.

And they’re not just for aesthetics, as the tattoo lover admits they’re sharp enough to pierce through skin - something she finds incredibly “pleasing”.

Amber first started having issues with her body when she was 14, after being diagnosed with depression - and it was this news that made her determined to change her appearance.

When she got the eyeball tattoo she said it was like shards of glass were rubbed in her eye. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

Blue Eyes White Dragon PokerBlue eyes white dragon poker game

Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Game

Amber first started having issues with her body when she was 14, after being diagnosed with depression. Picture: amber__luke/InstagramSource:Instagram

Blue Eyes White Dragon Poker Glasses

She explained: “I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted from life, but now I have the confidence to look however I want to. And I don’t worry what I’m going to look like when I’m older.”

And while she’s often met with mixed reactions from strangers, with many often trolling her and leaving horrible comments, Amber isn’t fazed by what other people think.

She concluded: “I’m not harming anyone, I’m doing what I want to do and if it makes me get up in the morning and be a happy person, then so be it.”

This story first appeared in The Sun and is reproduced here with permission

by Joan d’Arc
from ParanoiaMagazine Website

The Dragon Legacy (formerly known as From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells)is a new collection of essays on the 'Deresthai Culture' with a hip introduction by Tracy Twyman of Dagobert’s Revenge.

This 377-page tome with numerous appendices, written by HRH Prince Nicholas de Vere, Sovereign Grand Master of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court, purports to be an 'Official History of the Dragon Peoples.'
Far from being the characters of fable, de Vere explains, the Elven race, including Fairies, Dragons, Witches, Picts (Pixies) and Vampires, were very real beings whose blood rituals sustained their superconsciousness and transcendent vision, and maintained their positions as overlords of mankind.

The author claims, these gods of flesh and blood were the only gods that ever actually existed; myth transformed them into ethereal deities. Flesh and blood they were, he claims, and their bloodlines descend to the present day through the Siddhe of India and the Druids of Britain. In fact, de Vere claims to be part of this lineage.
The Scythians, a.k.a. the Danaan (d’Anu), were descendents of the Anunnaki, who, de Vere claims, were not extraterrestrials. In Scandinavia, the Danaan became the Danes or Vikings, and produced a cousin lineage, the Swedes and the Ruotsi clan that founded Russia. In Denmark the castes were called the Jarl, Carl, Thrall.

In India the castes were the Brahmins, Ksatriyas and Sudras. But the Scythian Danaan who migrated to Eire (Ireland) and the rest of Europe were a 'race apart.' They were a ruling caste, claims de Vere. They are the Merovingians.
The Scythians originated in the Balkans, Transylvania, Carpathia and Ukraine. In general, the Scythians ('people of the powers') were tall, pale-skinned, with golden red hair (the red heads) and green eyes. The Celtic lineage were stocky, squat with dark hair. The Royal Dragon family of the Jews - the House of David - made the Israelites an early Aryan nation.

In fact, Jesus and his mother Mary are often depicted with red hair. The Scythians and Aryan Scythian-Gaels had settlements in Israel and Judea. The Aryans were a horse culture.
The Scythian caste system consisted of three closely interknit cooperating races. From this encounter, de Vere explains, arose the eastern branch of the Aryan, Vedic 'Hindu' religion, with its own Druids or magi, the Brahmins.

The Vedic religion, claims de Vere, stemmed from this contact with the Elven gods and goddesses who migrated after the flood from the Balkans and Transylvania to Sumeria. He claims, the Tantra and the Qabalah are descended from ancient Ubaid Druidic philosophy, and Sumeria is not the cradle of civilization, but is perhaps the high chair. The first Sumerians, he writes, were Ubaid Overlords from Central Eurasia.
De Vere laments that democracy has done away with the caste system. He explains that the caste system was not an arbitrary set of divisions or inequalities established through force or oppression. The system reflected the fact that people had varying capabilities, gifts and talents. Each group had its function in society.

This is the way it should have stayed, according to de Vere, but the Roman Church, containing mostly peasants, clawed its way to the top and upturned the caste system on a false document called the Donation of Constantine. Following this, a Thousand-Year Holocaust massacred the Elven Race.
Today, complains de Vere, the world is run by peasant tinkers who have put a price tag on everything. The true Overlords are now on the bottom,

'while the increasingly acquisitive Peasants and Merchants are at the top, having wrested their positions from the block-headed Warriors.'

He writes:

'The end product of this fiasco over the last millennium and a half can be smelled in the air, tasted in the water supply and seen in the eyes of diseased, starving third world children. Its results can be heard in the screams of animals gratuitously tortured in experiments aimed at testing the toxicity of vanity products…'

And in the current system, our leaders have no accountability, as they would have had in dynasties past. The usurper Tinker Kings, the current Monarchy of England, asserts de Vere, are,

'false monarchies based not on service or transcendent wisdom, but on worldly greed, tyranny, trade and usury.'

There is much to learn from this alternate history of the world, for instance, that the influence Vampires have had on European culture should not be underestimated.

Who knew Vampires inspired modern wheeled transport, invented large-scale tourism, and lent their images and their kilts to the lids of shortbread tins? The Vampire, de Vere explains, was a 'Witch' in the distinct royal caste of Scythian-Celtic society.

Vampires were individuals and families who used the practice of drinking blood to achieve specific aims and fulfill social obligations of their rank and position. In fact the etymology of the word Vampire is 'Overlord.' The author warns against Poseur Vampirism. If one inflicts fear in the victim before obtaining blood, the blood will contain ingredients not worth imbibing. It must be freely given.
De Vere also discusses Tolkien’s 'Middle Earth,' which he claims 'plots the fortunes of the Elven families' and corresponds to about the year 10,000 BC. In fact, he asserts, Tolkien’s 'Third Age' could be comfortably situated pre-flood at about 22,000 BC if we disregard our simplistic caveman indoctrination. Other points of interest you’ll learn from de Vere are that the 'reptilian' scales of the gods and goddesses of Sumeria were actually traditional metal armor.

The mermaids of the mere pools wore scaled armor as well. The tall tales told by David Icke regarding shapeshifting reptilians of yore are just that: tall tales. For a hint of what Prince Nicholas de Vere thinks of Icke’s wild talk, see his interview with Tracy Twyman.
Is de Vere a Satanist?

He states in his interview with Tracy Twyman,

'originally the Satans in Biblical terms were nothing more than Circuit Prosecutors within the Jewish Theocratic system. Who in their right mind would worship lawyers?'

He also asserts:

'Religions happen when people don’t get the point of the message and blindly worship the message and the messenger, instead of grasping the gnosis inherent within the words that the message conveys.'

No short review could touch upon the vast subject matter contained in this book and the compelling expertise of its author, but with my max word count approaching suffice it to say: This Book is a TRIP!